

Your Birthday - born 18th, May

Today - discover the make-up of people born on 18th, May ! Tune in each and every day to see the traits and characteristics people born on different days of the year hold.

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Born today on the 18th, May :
These all-rounders can always find a project to make them happy. May 18 is one of the best adjusted days in the year. They are good achievers, often ambitious but can also make do with what they've got. Slimmer, too, than most Taureans, they are too busy with their hands, making things about the house, to need them filled with doughnuts and too busy with their brains thinking up new schemes, to yearn for a chocolate biscuit. They rarely suffer from depression. Their Tarot gives the 18th card in the Major Arcana as The Moon, which represents a world of dreams and emotions, sensitivity, empathy and spiritual understanding. In the office they are honourable colleagues, resisting any temptation to curry favour. With nasty bosses these individuals keep their counsel, but won't go along with bullying or meanness. If these elements rear their ugly heads, expect people born on this day to challenge authority in a way that seriously endangers and probably scuppers the pompous, arrogant ass in power. If things don't go well at work, it's not usually May 18 who gets rounded up into the redundancy net. But they may decide to take up the offer anyway and bunk off. Partners beware. The independent soul in this star may decide to take its glitter elsewhere once their surroundings seem compromised. If this happens. May 18 usually finds it easy to get another job, but more likely will choose to get going alone. Who better to work for than themselves, and why should their talent go to profit somebody else? Capable of enormous hard work, they should find great success, but must monitor their relationship with the computer. The mouse potato lurks on this day, and a regular fifteen hours at a stretch narrows everybody's horizon. But most of these scrumptious brandy snaps make delicious knowing, everybody's most sought after star with just the right crunch and sophisticated liqueur allure.
Body :

This earth creature needs daylight and may suffer lethargy and headaches without it. Light is as much a nutrient as food and water, yet few realise how much is absorbed by our bodies and used in metabolic processes. Artificial light is inferior, lacking the full spectrum of daylight's ultra-violet rays and has been blamed for a number of ailments. The easiest way to sort this out is to make sure that each day, preferably before the sun has risen to the mid-heavens, you spend at least half an hour sitting and relaxing somewhere in the open, preferably with green grass and trees.
Mind :

Don't be tempted to elongate your working day and start at 5 or 6am just to catch more computer time. The early bird may catch the worms, but who needs worms?

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